Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Letter #4: Open Letter Series: Dear Characters in my head

My Dearest Alex,

You are my heart, the part of me who loves and lives as passionately as I please. You were born from me so long ago that I can’t recall a time when you didn’t exist inside my mind, telling me dirty jokes, giving me bad ideas and encouraging me to be daring. Like when you whispered a challenge for me to walk on the ledge of that bridge all those years ago, just to feel the rush. I have no regrets about our adventures.

You were my first, the one I made all the mistakes with, and learned so much from in return. Your story, is dark and a little bit daring just like you. You should know that I loved every minute as a typed with bated breath waiting to know what would happen next. Not one to disappoint, you took me on a thrilling ride. One that now anyone can take by just cracking open your book or turning on their eReader.  

The loud booming timber of your voice is no longer screaming in my ear to be heard,but you are still there. I see you lurking in the shadows where all the other disturbed thoughts lie.  Your dark and brooding soul has blackened mine so that now everything I write is touched with a piece of you. A sad and bitter taste of reality is etched in every new story and it is beautiful.

Thanks for taking me for a ride on the dark side.

Love Always,

Your Creator, KM Hodge

Check out my new series: Open letters to the characters in my mind.

Letter #1: To the whole cast
Letter #2: To Jason (Syndicate Series) 
Letter #3: To Ellie (Syndicate Series) 
Letter #4: To Alex (Syndicate Series)
Letter #5: To Katherine (Syndicate Series)
Letter #6: To Susan (Summer of '78)
Letter #7: To Vi (Book Cellar Mystery Series)

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