Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Syndicate Series Book #2

As part of the April Camp Nanowrimo challenge I have been working hard on the sequel to Seasons. I have given the second book a tentative title of Blue Season and have it scheduled to be released in fall of this year.

The second book takes up one day before the first book left off. This means that the novel will be taking place in 2025. This is an interesting challenge for me because I get to read all kinds of research on speculative technology that might be main stream ten years from now.

This is just some of the stuff that I found in my research:

Computers ten years from now might have any number of different interfaces but lots of  people are saying that they will be pocket size and will project the screen and keyboard [Computers of Tomorrow Article]. Future technology is expected to connect together our home appliances to a "home network" as well. Devices of the future will rely more on Flash memory and cloud storage instead of hard disk memory [Future Computers Article #2].

This is an interesting Video put on by Virgin Media. What are your thoughts on the future?

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